Towards migration policy coherence

‘Policy coherence’ has been used as an instrument in EU migration policies that place a heavy focus on stopping migration. Tools that focus on return and readmission aim to control migrant flows from non-EU countries, while development aid in countries of origin is oriented to prevent migration too. A new approach in the relationship between the EU and non-EU partners is crucial to open new opportunities for cooperation.
Key takeaways
1. Migration policy interlinkages challenge the possibility of coherence
2. A critical approach to migration policy coherence should be adopted urgently
3. The EU’s external approach aims for coherence towards a restrictive migration agenda
4. EU partnerships are varied but limited, with few tools
5. The conditionality and compensation approach has uncertain impacts
6. Focusing on the root causes of migration assumes migration can be prevented
7. Countries of origin do not have an arsenal of effective policies to reduce emigration