Team member

Mathias Czaika
Mathias is a Professor in Migration and Integration and Head of the Department for Migration and Globalization at Danube University Krems, Austria. He is also Research Associate at the Department for International Development and former Director of the International Migration Institute, both at University of Oxford. He has a PhD in Political Economy from the University of Freiburg. His research interests include; drivers and dynamics of international migration processes; globalization, development, inequality, and conflict; heuristics and decision-making; migration policy formation and policy impact; migration of high-skilled workers, asylum seekers and refugees. He has published widely in journals such as Demography, Population Development Review, International Migration Review, or the Journal of Peace Research.
Mathias’s responsibilities within MIGNEX include development of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) methodology, analysis of the effects of the multi-level determination of migration processes and analysis of the effects of migration processes on development outcomes.