MIGNEX Background Paper

Effects of involuntary immobility on development


Although we might expect negative effects of involuntary immobility on development, we find evidence to the contrary. In general, individuals with strong aspirations to migrate but limited ability to do so are more active in searching for jobs, more active in their community and more likely to participate in protests.

By Jørgen Carling, Mathias Czaika, Carlos Vargas-Silva, Melissa Siegel – Published on 29 February 2024
Key takeaways
Contrary to expectations, individuals with strong migration aspirations but limited mobility opportunities exhibit higher levels of economic and social initiative.
Individuals who expect to migrate within the next five years and are dissatisfied with their current work are less inclined to seek new work.
Unfulfilled migration aspirations influence political engagement to a limited extent, with a stronger impact observed in participation in protests as opposed to voting.