We present the procedures and results of our research in a range of publications. Most belong to one of the five MIGNEX publication series: handbook chapters, background papers, policy briefs, case study briefs and reports.
All publications
1-14 of 14 results

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
14: Impact and exploitation of results

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
13: Research Area Truth Table

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
10: Documentation of survey data

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
12: Documentation of policy review

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
11: Documentation of qualitative data collection

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
9: Country-level policy review

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
6: QCA conditions and measurement

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
7: Survey data collection

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
8: Qualitative data collection

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
4: Research ethics and research integrity

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
3: Data management plan

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
5: Communications and impact

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
2: Key concepts and definitions in the migration–development nexus

MIGNEX Handbook Chapter
1: Project management and quality assurance