Team member

Precious Oghale Diagboya
Precious Oghale Diagboya left the MIGNEX project. The information on this page is kept for historical reasons.
Precious is a researcher on Migration from Nigeria to Europe, North Africa and other parts of the Gulf of Guinea. She holds a PHD in Philosophy from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and is competent in qualitative research methodologies. Precious is a research fellow of the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA, Nigeria) and the Swiss-Sub Saharan Africa Migration Network (S-SAM), University of Neuchatel. Precious is interested in the epistemology of ignorance underlying migration decisions from Nigeria. Through various research positions, she has worked in collaboration with international government agencies (UNODC Nigeria, ECPAT France and Palladium international) as well as civil society organisations (Pathfinders justice initiative, CLEEN foundation and Josemaria Escriva) on human trafficking and irregular migration in Nigeria.