Team member

Leander Kandilige
University of Ghana lead
- @LKandilige
Leander is an academic and course coordinator of postgraduate programmes at the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. He teaches migration and development, theories of migration, migration, globalization and development, migration and population dynamics and labour migrations in Africa at both Master and PhD level. He holds a D.Phil. (PhD) in Migration Studies from the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. His research focuses on the rights of migrants in crisis situations, diaspora communities and development in countries of origin, labour migration, theories of migration and migration policy development. He has successfully executed several research projects, funded by international funders including the EU, IOM, ILO/OECD, DFID and ICMPD.
Leander’s responsibilities within MIGNEX include analyses of migration effects on development outcomes as reflected in focus group data, survey data collection in Ghana and analysis of the effects of migration processes on development outcomes.