MIGNEX Handbook Chapter

7: Survey data collection

Cover image of MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 7: Survey data collection

The MIGNEX survey will interview 12,500 young adults across 25 research areas whose lives may be touched by the dynamics of migration and development. In order to collect comparable data on a broad range of issues in diverse settings, the design, preparations and delivery of the survey we will be guided by the principles of universality, value for effort and practicality.

Key takeaways
The MIGNEX survey will collect data from 500 individuals aged 18-39 years in each research area, not all of whom have migration experience.
The survey data will be used to explore both sides of the migration-development nexus and to describe migration trends.
Implementation of the survey consists of many specific step-by-step processes, from planning the sampling to ensuring data quality.

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Hagen-Zanker J, Hennessey G, Carling J and Memon R (2023) Survey data collection,
MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 7 (v2). Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. Available at